Code of Conduct Policy

Global Meat Lovers Community Ltd.

Our code of conduct covers all entities owned by our company including but not limited to our main membership area, event calendar, classifieds, and web store.

Any post or profile that commits an illegal offence as governed by the law, will be reported to the local authorities and all content will be handed over to said authorities as evidence.

Please use common sense.

Violence, Hate, Harm and Criminal Behavior

It is our goal to prevent potential offline violence associated with our content. Although people often threaten or call for violence in non-serious and casual ways to express disdain or disagreement, we remove language that threatens or facilitates violence. Violence against individuals or groups because of their protected characteristics or immigration status falls under this category. There are many factors to consider in determining whether violence is condemned or raised awareness, if the threat is not credible or if it is directed at terrorists or other violent actors (e.g. “Terrorists deserve to be killed”), or if the target of the threat is widely exposed or vulnerable. Our team removes content, disables accounts, and works with law enforcement when we believe there is an actual threat to public safety or physical harm.

A variety of targets are subject to threats of violence. It is possible to express threats of violence in various types of statements, including statements of intent, statements of aspiration, advocates, aspirational statements, and conditional statements, as well as statements of intent, aspirational statements, and calls for action against a target.

A threat is not prohibited in awareness-raising or condemning contexts, when directing threats at less severe violent actors, such as terrorists, or when it is made in context of contact sports.

All people should be protected
There are several threats that everyone is protected from:

  • Violent threats (and other types of high-severity violence) that could result in death
  • Violence with the potential to injure serious individuals (mid-severity violence). When credible, such threats are removed against public figures and non-protected groups, and regardless of credibility, they are removed against any other target (including protected groups).
  • High-severity or middle-severity violence admissions (written or verbal, or visually depicted by the perpetrator or an associate), except when the perpetrator is redeeming himself or herself, fighting for himself or herself, or participating in contact sports of a moderate intensity or less, or when state security officers, law enforcement officers, or military personnel commit it.
  • Kidnappings or abductions depicted or threatened, unless the content is clearly a plea for help from the victim or their family or provided for information, condemnation or awareness-raising purposes.

In addition to the above protections, certain groups including adults, children, high-risk individuals and people with protected characteristics are also protected:
Besides universal protections for everyone, threats of low-severity violence are also protected for private adults (when self-reported), children and groups of people targeted based on protected characteristics.

Other forms of violence
The following protections are also removed along with all of the above:

  • The use of content that advocates or asks for the use of high-severity violence services (for instance, hitmen, mercenaries, assassins, female genital mutilation) or asks for the use of them
  • Instructions on the creation or use of weapons that explicitly state that their goal is to severely injure or kill others, or imagery showing or simulating that end result, except in the context of recreational self-defense, military training, commercial video games, or news coverage (posted by Page or with news logo).
  • Instructive content about making or using explosives, unless it clearly has a non-violent purpose (for example, in commercial video games, in science/educational content, in fireworks, or for fishing).
  • Threatening to take up weapons, bringing weapons to a location, or forcibly entering the location (including but not limited to places of worship, educational facilities, polling centers or election administration locations), or places where heightened risks of violence may occur for a short period of time.
  • Even if there is no target, threats of violence can be made related to voting, voter registration, or the administration or outcome of an election.

The following items are removed:

  • Regardless of their public figure status or the credibility of the threat, threats against law enforcement officers or election officials are illegal.
  • Coded statements accompanied by a threat or contextual signal, but without clearly articulating the method of violence.
  • In a threat, there is either one or more of the following:
  • In response to a grievance or threat (real, perceived, or anticipated), expressed in the context of retaliation (e.g., threats toward violence against others)
  • A reference to historical or fictional incidents of violence (e.g., content referring to past acts of violence in history or in fiction) risking the safety of others.
  • Inviting or encouraging other people to commit violent acts or to participate in them, the content acts as a threatening call to action (e.g., content urging other people to commit violent acts).
  • It demonstrates that the author knows or shares sensitive information that can expose others to violence (e.g., content that mentions or implies knowledge of personal information that might make the threat more credible). It includes implying that the author knows the address of the individual, the place of their employment or education, their commute routes, or their current location.

In context;

  • A local context or expert confirmation suggests imminent violence could result from the statement in question.
  • A representative of the target or the target themselves report the content.
  • A threat of bringing armaments to a location, such as a place of worship, an educational facility, a polling location or place for counting votes or administering elections (or encouraging others to do the same) or a place where violence is heightened temporarily.
  • There is a correlation between accusations of election-related corruption, irregularities, or bias, coupled with an indication that the content threatens violence (e.g., threats to get a gun, visual depictions of guns, references to arson, theft, vandalism), such as:
  • Aiming at a specific individual or group
  • The location of the target (state or smaller)
  • Unspecified targets
  • A reference to an election-related gathering or event that has an indication that the content might threaten violence (e.g., a threat to bring a weapon, visual representations of a weapon, references to arson, theft, vandalism).

Organizations and individuals spreading hate against others based on their protected characteristics are considered hate entities. In at least some of its activities, the entity exhibits the following characteristics:

  • Persons with protected characteristics are targeted through violence, threatening rhetoric, or dangerous forms of harassment;
  • Hate speech repeated over and over again;
  • It is illegal to represent hate ideologies or other designated hate entities, or both
  • The propagation of hate ideologies or hate entities.

A criminal organization is defined as an organization of three or more people that primarily engages in the following activities:

  • Contains a recognizable name, color, gesture, or index;
  • Criminal activity such as homicide or drug trafficking, as well as kidnapping has been committed by the individual or was threatened to be committed.

An ideology based on hatred;

Organizations and individuals are categorized on the basis of their behavior, but we also recognize that certain ideologies and beliefs are intrinsically associated with violence. Organizing people around calls for violence or exclusion based on protected characteristics is an attempt to organize people around these ideologies and beliefs. Our platform removes content that supports this ideology when we designate the ideology itself. The following ideologies fall under this category:

  • Nazism
  • White Supremacy
  • White Nationalism
  • White Separatism

These ideologies are not GLORIFIED, SUPPORTED, or REPRESENTED, and those who adhere to them are removed.

We Remove;

People being harmed

  • An outing is the act of exposing an individual’s identity or their locations allegedly linked to:
  • Participate in outings with a high level of risk, or
  • Be a part of a family or romantic relationship with a member of a group that faces outing risks; and/or
  • Have supported an outing-risk group with professional activities (except political figures)
  • A content that contains the name, face, or badge of the undercover agent, as well as any of the following, will certainly reveal the agent’s undercover status:
  • Law enforcement organization of the agent
  • Law enforcement operations carried out by the agent
  • The fact that they are undercover is explicitly stated
  • The coordination, threat, support, or admission of swatting except in fiction, staged settings, or for pity.
  • Promotion, advocacy, or encouragement of high-risk viral challenges other than to raise awareness or condemn them. The imagery in these contexts is tagged to make people aware of any sensitive content.

An act of cruelty to animals

Coordination, threat, support, or admission of violence against animals (verbally, in writing, or visually) except when:

  • Condemnation or raising awareness
  • The act of redemption
  • A human or animal’s survival or defense
  • Sets that are fictional or staged EXCEPT when they depict animals fighting or rescuing animals
  • Fishing or hunting
  • Sacrificial offerings
  • Processing or preparing food
  • The presence of pests or vermin
  • It is an act of mercy
  • The sport of bullfighting
  • Staged animal fights and videos showing fake animal rescues must not be coordinated, threatening, supporting, or depicted except for the purpose of raising awareness about them.

Property damage

The act or threat of vandalism, theft, or malicious hacking (in writing, visual form, or verbally), except in the context of firefighting (in written, visual or verbal form).

  • Condemnation or raising of awareness,
  • The redemption of a person,
  • Staged or fictional settings,
  • When defending oneself or another individual
  • Vandalism depicted in a protest context,
  • Graffiti or images depicting graffiti
  • Taking positive action when someone else commits vandalism or theft.

Additional information or context is needed to enforce the following Community Standards:

The following are removed;

  • Persons who are outed are exposed to the risk of harm and put at risk of their identities:
  • Members of the LGBTQIA+ community
  • Women who have been unveiled
  • Non-convicted individuals as sexual predators in sting operations
  • If a legal case restricts disclosure of their involvement, individuals are excluded from participating
  • A witness, informant, activist, detainee, or hostage
  • Reports of defections by credible government channels
  • Conflict-related prisoners of war
  • The public may be misled by imagery if:
  • If the entity depicted or its authorized representative objects to the images, the images will be removed,
  • Members of the public may be harmed by the imagery.
  • An intent statement, a call to action, or an encouragement:
  • The blocking of emergency vehicles or blocking access to essential services should be confirmed or made publicly available.
  • By obstructing essential services or unobstructed passage in a manner that may threaten the safety of an individual or specific group of people

Interference with the voting process or the census, such as:

  • Attempts to interfere with a person’s ability to vote or participate in a census in a coordinated way.
  • A claim that participation in the voting process or in the census may result in legal consequences (for example, arrest, deportation or incarceration).
  • A threat of going to an election site to observe or monitor voters or election officials (e.g., “Let’s show them who’s boss,” “They want a war? We’ll give it to them”).
  • When combined with a reference to intimidation, threats to go to a post-election activity site are considered (e.g., “Let’s show them who’s boss,” “We’ll let them go to war. “).

Do Not Post:

Firearms, Explosives, Ammunition, Firearm Parts

The following content will be removed and your profile deleted:

  • A person attempting to buy, sell, or trade firearms, firearm parts, ammunition, explosives, or lethal enhancements except when it is posted to a Page or Group representing a brick-and-mortar business, such as a retail business, a website, a brand, a government agency (e.g. police department, fire department) or a private individual sharing content on behalf of such a business.
  • Offers to sell, gift, exchange, transfer, coordinate, promote (by which we mean to speak positively about, encourage the use of) or provide access to 3D printing instructions for firearms or firearm parts regardless of context.
  • A machine gun conversion device is attempted to be purchased, sold, or traded

High-risk drugs (drugs that have a high potential for misuse, addiction, or are associated with serious health risks, including overdose; e.g., cocaine, fentanyl, heroin).

The following content:

  • The act of buying, selling, trading, co-ordinating the trade of, donating, gifting, or asking for high-risk drugs.
  • The poster of the content admits to buying, trading, or coordinating the trade of high-risk drugs, either directly or indirectly.
  • An individual admits to using without acknowledging or referencing recovery, treatment, or other assistance. High-risk drugs may not be positively discussed, encouraged, coordinated, or recommended in this content.
  • A high-risk drug is coordinated or promoted (which means they speak positively about them, encourage their use, or give instructions on how to use or make them).

Non-medical drugs (drugs or substances that are not being used for an intended medical purposes or are used to achieve a high – this includes precursor chemicals or substances that are used for the production of these drugs.)

The following content:

  • Buying, selling, trading, coordinating trades, donating, gifting, or asking for non-medical drugs is prohibited.
  • An admission that the poster of the content has bought, sold, or coordinated the purchase, sale, or distribution of non-medical drugs.
  • Involves self-admitted use without acknowledging or referencing recovery, treatment, or other assistance for battling addiction. Non-medical drugs are not discussed in this content in a positive way, encouraged, coordinated or instructed to be made or used.
  • The coordination or promotion of non-medical drugs (for example, encouraging their use or providing instructions on how to do so).

Additional Items;

The following content will be removed and profiles deleted:

  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade pharmaceuticals
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade Marijuana
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade in endangered species or their parts
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade from the result of poaching
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade Human Blood
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade Alcohol and/or Tobacco
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade Weight Loss Products
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade Historical Artifacts (vehicles excluded)
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade Hazardous Goods/Waste
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade Entheogens / Psychedelic drugs
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade knives, blades, swords
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade Sex toys, Sexual enhancement products
  • Any attempt to buy, sell, or trade gambling memberships, or the promotion of any gambling websites
  • Posts that intend to defraud users or third party users financially, ethically, or morally
  • Posts that promote or encourage bribery and/ or embezzlement
  • Posts that depict nudity


Posts that deceive with scams will be removed including the posters profile including but not limited to;

  • Loans
  • Gambling, Betting Manipulation
  • Pyramid
  • Money, Cash Flips, Coupons
  • Investment scams
  • Advance Fee
  • Charity
  • Romance or Impersonation
  • Grant and Benefits
  • Spirtual
  • Insurance
  • Fake Jobs, work from home, get rich quick
  • Debt relief or credit repair scams
  • Fake or Forged Documents, Currency, Vouchers, Credit Cards
  • Future Exam Papers / Answer Sheets

Child Exploitation

Do Not Post Content Associated with the Exploitation of Children. Any content posted that depicts, praises, or supports the exploitation of children or endangers the safety of children will be reported to the proper authorities for prosecution. Imagery and/or videos that possess child nudity in any way is a violation of our Code of Conduct.

Adult Exploitation

Do Not Post Content Associated with the Exploitation of Adults. Any content posted that depicts, praises or supports the exploitation of adults or endangers the safety of adults will be reported to the proper authorities for prosecution. Imagery and/or videos that possess adult nudity in any way is a violation of our Code of Conduct.

Content that is used to exploit individuals by utilizing any of the following means;

  • Sextortion; coercing victims to give money, favors to stop an individual from releasing their intimate imagery.
  • Threatening with an intent to share intimate imagery

Bullying and Harassment

Any post including any of the following types of behavior will be removed and the members profile cancelled.

Our Code of Conduct protects our members from;

  • Unwanted Contact that is repetitive or sexual harassing or is directed at a large number of individuals of a certain characteristic group
  • Anyone posting a call for self-injury or suicide of any member or group of members
  • Anyone who posts a verbal/written attack based on their own experience of sexual assault, exploitation, harassment or domestic abuse
  • Severe, Derogatory sexualized commentary and/or drawings
  • Claims that a violent tragedy did not occur or that individuals are lying about being a victim
  • Threats to release a member’s private phone number, address and other personal and private information
  • Content that degrades or expresses disgust towards any individuals or groups of individuals with specific characteristics
  • Celebration or mocking of death or medical conditions
  • Derogatory terms related to female gendered cursing
  • Postings that make statements of inferiority based on physical appearance
  • Public or Private Claims of non-consensual sexual activity of public figures or members
  • Content meant to poke fun at, degrade, or draw attention to one’s personal appearance
  • Negative Character claims except in the context of business reviews
  • Expressions of contempt, disgust, character shaming, sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Targeted Cursing for the purpose of bullying an individual
  • Allegations of criminal behavior or illegal activity
  • Posted content that calls for or states an intent to engage in bullying and harassing behavior
  • Any post where the content is deemed objectionable or offensive based on the context

Hate Speech

Any direct attacks against individuals / members based on the following will constitute a violation of an individuals human rights; These violations will be reported and your profile will be removed.

  • Ethnicity
  • National Origin
  • Race
  • Disability
  • Religious Affiliation
  • Caste
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Sex
  • Age
  • Gender Identity
  • Serious Disease
  • Occupation
  • Refugees, Migrants, and Immigrants

We Prohibit;

the use of slurs based on an individual’s protected characteristics. We also prohibit the use of certain inanimate objects and additional language when referring to an individual such as; feces, shit, crap, dirt, bacteria, viruses, microbes, disease, std, savages, devils, monsters, primitives, sexual predators, violent criminals.

Posts or Content that targets a person or group of people based on their protected characteristic including but not limited to the following;

  • Physical Appearance ie; ugly, hideous
  • Mental Characteristics ie; dumb, stupid, illiterate, mentally ill, retarded, crazy, insane
  • Moral Characteristcis ie; coward, liar, arrogant, ignorant, whore, slut, pervert
  • Statements of Inferiority ie: worthless, useless, freaks, abnormal

Posts that depict language or an intolerance to the following will be removed:

  • Homophobic
  • Racist
  • Islamophobic

Targeted Cursing using words like; cunt, dick, asshole, fuck, bitch, motherfucker, anus, feces, urine

Targeted Cursing using phrases like; suck my dick, kiss my ass, eat shit

Posts that promote or incite exclusion or segregation through the form of calls to action, statements of intent or statements advocating the following;

  • Explicit exclusion that specifically targets specific groups or individuals
  • Political exclusion, denying the right to political participation
  • Economic exclusion, defined as denying access to economic entitlements
  • Social exclusion, which is denying access to physical or online spaces

Imagery & Videos

Do Not Post;

  • Images of human or animal dismemberment
  • Visible internal organs; partially decomposed human or animal bodies
  • Charred or burning people or animals
  • Victims of Cannibalism
  • Throat-Slitting
  • Live Streams of Capital Punishment
  • Depicting a person’s violent death
  • Person experiencing a life threatening event
  • Imagery or Videos depicting acts of human or animal torture
  • Imagery and Videos depicting animal vs animal fighting for the purpose of sport – gambling
  • Imagery and Videos depicting human or animal birth
  • Defamatory images of an individual or group]
  • Any and all Nudity or Sexual Activity images and videos, this includes acts of breast feeding
  • Any and all Pornographic videos and images and websites
  • Images or Videos of sex toys or sexual aids
  • Any and all incestual imagery and videos
  • Any and all beastiality imagery and videos
  • Any and all fetish oriented content that involves feces, urine, spit, snot, menstruation, vomit, cannibalism
  • Any and all digital art containing sexual activity
  • ANY AND ALL AUDIO for any item listed above

Adult Sexual Solicitation

Do Not Post;

  • Classified Ads that express sexual solicitation
  • Ads in Groups and Forums that express sexual solicitation
  • Do not solicit any member of Global Meat Lovers Community Ltd for sex; this includes escort services, sex chatrooms, fetish/domination services; prostitution services
  • Do not solicit nude photos, videos, or sexual fetish items from other members
  • Do not share links to adult oriented websites
  • Do not use sexually explicit language such as; wetness, erection, sexual penetration, self pleasuring, educational context
    • The above does not include content shared in a humorous or educational context, or as a sexual metaphor or as sexual cursing.
    • Sexually explicit language used to mock or criticize another member, individual, or group is prohibited.

Account Integrity and Authenticity

We expect all our members to be authentic and properly identify themselves as who they truly are. By impersonating another’s identity, it is harmful to the integrity of the entire community. We believe in the freedom of expression with respect for one another and that includes representing yourself as yourself and not another. Identity misrepresentation compromises our security and the safety of other accounts and services. We take identity theft and impersonation seriously and will delete any profile deemed to have committed such an act.

Misleading information includes profile information such as bios, age, profile location, stolen photos, etc.. Misrepresenting oneself for gain is frowned upon and can lead to account deletion. Using imagery and video in your profile and declaring it as yours is against our policy and can have steeper penalties of copyright infringement which would occur with the party or parties the content was stolen from.

Each individual account must be used by only one person. Individual Member Accounts that are created and maintained by and accessed by more than one individual will be deemed in violation of our terms of use and code of conduct. These accounts will be suspended pending an investigation prior to any account deletion.

Account names should be authentic and should not contain and brand or copyright text, names, or identities. Global Meat Lovers Community Ltd. takes copyright infringement seriously and a single warning notice will be issued to any individuals found violating known copyright.

Empty accounts with prolonged dormancy will remain active for a period of 1 year past the last date of activity and then be suspended until membership is renewed. Our goal for this community is for individuals within the classic car and hot rod community to connect with others having similar interests.


Our community is a SPAM free zone. We will not tolerate any member spamming others with any form of content. SPAM content creates a definite negative user experience and takes away from members’ ability to engage authentically throughout our site.

SPAM can threaten the security and stability of our online community. Our web team will terminate any members permanently if they are found violating our SPAM policy. To prevent people from abusing our platform, we have a membership fee and a zero tolerance policy regarding SPAM.

As a member of our community we count on you to report any SPAMMING incident immediately to our web team or administrative contacts. Keeping our community safe and fun starts with our members.


Global Meat Lovers Community Ltd. recognizes the safety of our users includes the security of their personal information; accounts / profiles. We do not allow 3rd party sources access to any of our user information or their activities. We do not allow 3rd party source access to any of our user purchasing or financial information.

All communication between our web team, administrative team and members is encrypted. All communication during membership signup is encrypted including profile information, billing information and items purchased. NO financial information is stored on our website or servers.

As a secure online community, we expect our members not to:

  • Gain access to accounts or user data other than your own
  • Encourage or deceive members to download or run files or programs that will compromise a user’s online / data security
  • Encourage or deceive members to download or run files or programs deemed as malicious software or malware
  • Attempt to obtain or acquire another user’s login credentials or other sensitive data
  • Post fake surveys or polls to acquire personal information about other members
  • Publicly share your own or other’s login information
  • Create, share or host malicious software including browser extensions and mobile applications
  • Provide inline infrastructure including web hosting services, domain name registration and ad networks that enable abusive and phishing links

Any and All violations of our Cybersecurity Code of Conduct policy will have an immediate profile deletion and depending on the violations, criminal charges could be pending also.

Posting Misinformation

We remove the following types of misinformation;

  • Content Digitally Created or Altered that May Mislead
  • Harmful Health Misinformation
    • Misinformation about Vaccines
    • Misinformation about health during public health emergencies
    • Promoting or advocating for harmful miracle cures for health issues
  • Manipulated Media
  • Physical Harm or Violence
  • Voter or Census Interference


It is inevitable that people pass away eventually. When this happens, it is near impossible for our administrators to know about every unfortunate passing. We kindly ask our members to notify us of any members who have passed on.

Any member who has passed away will be memorialized on our “In Memory” page with permission of the family. Strictly for our car enthusiast members to be remembered by all those who they have left behind in the Classic Car and Hot Rod enthusiast lifestyle.

Members are NOT permitted to;

  • Remove any profile photo, cover photo or information on any profile of any member who has passed away
    • All profile removals must be done by the administrative team
  • If the member was a victim of murder or suicide, post any visual depiction or written description of the circumstances surrounding the deceased
  • Post imagery of a convicted or alleged murderer of the deceased
  • Post any violating comments including praise or support for the death

Intellectual Property

Global Meat Lovers Community Ltd. takes the intellectual property rights of others very seriously. Any individuals, members, or groups found violating someone’s copyright will be informed to remove such content, material, or works.

Violators who continue to post copyright materials without permission from the original creator after receiving an initial warning will have their account suspended and eventually removed.

As our community is a members only community and content from the community is not visible to the general public, we expect our members to use integrity and abide by our Intellectual Property code of conduct when using works from outside the community.

All copyright infringement complaints will be investigated.

Requests from Users

There are many reasons to possibly make requests of us. We ask the following regarding requests;

  • Request to remove a deceased members account must be made by a family member or executor
    • As we have an “In Memory” page, we must receive permission from same family member or executor to post the deceased individual’s info on that page
  • Request to remove an incapacitated member’s account must be made by a family member or executor
  • User requests for removal of their own account; if there is an issue with your account, please allow us the opportunity to rectify it
    • If you are having issues navigating the site or your profile, please let us know and we can assist you.

With all user requests, even if not listed above, we expect you to treat our staff as you would want to be treated. Any abusive behavior or language directed at our staff will be handled as a violation of our code of conduct.

Questions about our Code of Conduct Policy? Please use our online contact form to submit your concerns. Thank you.

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